I'll use photo editing apps literally every day and even sometimes it's easier to do it on my phone rather than on a computer
because some of the tools are just really simple and easy to use so I'm going
to share five that I've used before and think are just pretty good in terms of
what they give us so let's start with the first one.
1. Snapseed
which is now owned by Google and
this is what I would say is a fundamental imaging app you're not going to get
too many bells and whistles with this one but it is really simple easy to use
and everything is really done with a slider so you can just put your finger
anywhere on the screen move, it left and right and it will change how the image
looks so there are some simple tools on this one and you can go straight into
ton image and this is the name that they give to the functions that change the way the image looks so you can change the brightness the contrast the exposure
even the saturation and the warmth which is changing the light temperature
maybe you want it to look a bit warmer or cooler everything can be done in tune with the image you can also crop the image in and out of course every editor will let
you do this and there are some styles on Snapseed definitely not the biggest selection I think some other apps maybe have a bigger selection of styles and
presets that you can use straight away but there are some on this one and you
might want to check them out what's really good about Snapseed thought is that
they have this brush and with the brush, you can actually change the image so
let's say you want to change the exposure or the contrast in an image may be the
highlights are too bright you want to bring them down well actually with a
brush you can selectively change the exposure or the saturation or the color
warmth just where you place the brush which means you can be really selective
about your edits usually with apps you can only change the whole image so if
you want to make it a little bit darker then all of the images get darker or
brighter you can change highlights and shadows separately and a lot of apps but
this one is really good in a way that you can just touch the screen and change
anything you using that brush really selectively.
2. Photoshop and Lightroom
Next, we have the adobe suite of apps and actually
Adobe made a great set of free applications for editing pretty much anything so
you should go and check them all out because you can sign up for an adobe cloud account you don't actually have to pay a subscription for the free apps that
they give you there are subscriptions that you can use that give you access
to a lot more features but the free features are really good as well so for me
Photoshop and Lightroom are the easiest to use and the ones that I use most
often so with Photoshop basically this has everything in there so it's really
good at changing the contrast ratios and just the styles of your photo they
have a ton of preset styles otherwise known as Lux or look-up tables that can
be put on top of your image and completely change the look and feel of it
there's a lot more on Photoshop for example than on Snapseed you can put these
overlays on as they call them it changes the style completely you can also
choose how much of that overlay you want so if it's a bit strong in terms of
how it changes your image you can just turn it down a little bit until it looks
better you can also automatically change it there's like an auto brush feature
that you've compressed and it will scan your image and then change it a little
bit based on how it thinks it should look like and you can change that as you
want as well if you don't think it's very good you can also go in and edit
everything yourself individually again it uses a slider system so choose what
you want to change for example the contrast of the colors and then just change with the slider bar it's super easy and you can just make your images pop
and just look a little bit better like they were taken on a proper camera and
using Photoshop Lightroom is more or less the same as Photoshop actually they
do have a lot of overlap and only really when you move up to the paid version
do you get a lot more features in Lightroom but Lightroom does pretty much the
same thing you can just change the way that the image looks you can change the
contrast and the difference between the shadows and the highlights there aren't
as many preset on Lightroom, it really is more of an for you to go in and
change it yourself there are some presets that you can use but I would say that
Photoshop and Lightroom really do overlap in terms of the free versions so you
might want to give both of them a try and see which one suits you more but both
of them are really good tools from Adobe I've put Canva on the list and this is
a kind of different one it's not a photo editing tool as such like Photoshop or
Snapseed but what this does really enables you to make an image from scratch
so you can actually choose the dimensions of the image first so if you want to
make a thumbnail you can choose the YouTube thumbnail size and then start from
there and then what you can do is add images on top so you can actually make
really good collages like this you can also make invitations if you want to
send something out if you want to have maybe a banner or something or you want
to actually make a post on Instagram that isn't a photo you want to actually
just edit something into it then you can use the next app Canva.
3. Canva
It's a really good tool for that Canva does
have some tools as well to edit the look of images so you can change the
brightness and the exposure and everything like that definitely not as in-depth
as something like Photoshop but it has its own unique strengths.
4. Airbrush
Something which I use all the time airbrush is
one that you might want to have a look at it's definitely unique in the
features this one really it isn't about changing the colors or the exposure or
the brightness like Photoshop would be but airbrush as I guess you can tell by
the name is an airbrush tool app so if you want to edit images like they do in
the magazines change the shape of someone's face change the color of the skin
change the eyes bigger smaller change the face shape give someone a massive forehead
it can really get pretty grotesque I must tell you but all in all a very
powerful app to think that you can do all of this on your Smartphone you can
really change the way someone looks to be completely unrecognizable it's
definitely a fun app I'm sure it's useful for a lot of people may be not useful
for others but considering this is free I think it's really powerful that you
can pretty much change the way anybody looks completely on your Smartphone.
5. Pixar
Pixar has made the list in this blog this is
very different to the others in I would say that you can add a lot of themes on
to your photos which might be something that you want to do so with this one I
think it's really good at adding text and also you can write over the image so
if you want to just make a different kind of image you can have a trail
like a star trail, you can write things on the image and it has some really
different looks I feel it concentrates mostly on all of the drawing aspects you
can actually just start drawing on a completely new image so you don't have to
upload an image so yeah I guess the name itself PicsArt sort of gives away what
this app concentrates on Pixar is more simple in terms of changing an image so
if you want to upload an image and you really want to fix it maybe it's too
bright or too dark and you really just want to fix that first you might want to
look at Snapseed and Photoshop this one is about adding stuff onto photo so
themes and text and drawing and different types of stickers that you can use on
here as well there are lots of creative tools on this one that's really what it
concentrates on so it might be worth having a look at if you just want to
create some different images but that is five that I have used and do use quite
often I'd love to know your favorite five or what you think of these runs as
always put them in the comments below that is it for this one though thank you.
Follow if you liked it and I'll see you the next one.
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